OSSCA Redis 2023 4주차 과제
과제 내용
- 3주차 과제를 심화 학습합니다.
- 받은 내용을 그대로 돌려주되,
접두사를 붙여 응답하는echo{영어이름}
명령어를 추가해봅니다. - 즉,
echo{영어이름} abc
라고 보내면,echo{영어이름}_abc
라고 응답이 오도록 해야합니다.
과제 힌트
client *c
의 내부구조를 살펴봅니다.- 다음 구조체와 함수들을 참고하세요.
과제 수행
client c*
client 구조체
typedef struct client { uint64_t id; /* Client incremental unique ID. */ uint64_t flags; /* Client flags: CLIENT_* macros. */ connection *conn; int resp; /* RESP protocol version. Can be 2 or 3. */ redisDb *db; /* Pointer to currently SELECTed DB. */ robj *name; /* As set by CLIENT SETNAME. */ robj *lib_name; /* The client library name as set by CLIENT SETINFO. */ robj *lib_ver; /* The client library version as set by CLIENT SETINFO. */ sds querybuf; /* Buffer we use to accumulate client queries. */ size_t qb_pos; /* The position we have read in querybuf. */ size_t querybuf_peak; /* Recent (100ms or more) peak of querybuf size. */ int argc; /* Num of arguments of current command. */ robj **argv; /* Arguments of current command. */ int argv_len; /* Size of argv array (may be more than argc) */ int original_argc; /* Num of arguments of original command if arguments were rewritten. */ robj **original_argv; /* Arguments of original command if arguments were rewritten. */ size_t argv_len_sum; /* Sum of lengths of objects in argv list. */ struct redisCommand *cmd, *lastcmd; /* Last command executed. */ struct redisCommand *realcmd; /* The original command that was executed by the client, Used to update error stats in case the c->cmd was modified during the command invocation (like on GEOADD for example). */ user *user; /* User associated with this connection. If the user is set to NULL the connection can do anything (admin). */ int reqtype; /* Request protocol type: PROTO_REQ_* */ int multibulklen; /* Number of multi bulk arguments left to read. */ long bulklen; /* Length of bulk argument in multi bulk request. */ list *reply; /* List of reply objects to send to the client. */ unsigned long long reply_bytes; /* Tot bytes of objects in reply list. */ list *deferred_reply_errors; /* Used for module thread safe contexts. */ size_t sentlen; /* Amount of bytes already sent in the current buffer or object being sent. */ time_t ctime; /* Client creation time. */ long duration; /* Current command duration. Used for measuring latency of blocking/non-blocking cmds */ int slot; /* The slot the client is executing against. Set to -1 if no slot is being used */ dictEntry *cur_script; /* Cached pointer to the dictEntry of the script being executed. */ time_t lastinteraction; /* Time of the last interaction, used for timeout */ time_t obuf_soft_limit_reached_time; int authenticated; /* Needed when the default user requires auth. */ int replstate; /* Replication state if this is a slave. */ int repl_start_cmd_stream_on_ack; /* Install slave write handler on first ACK. */ int repldbfd; /* Replication DB file descriptor. */ off_t repldboff; /* Replication DB file offset. */ off_t repldbsize; /* Replication DB file size. */ sds replpreamble; /* Replication DB preamble. */ long long read_reploff; /* Read replication offset if this is a master. */ long long reploff; /* Applied replication offset if this is a master. */ long long repl_applied; /* Applied replication data count in querybuf, if this is a replica. */ long long repl_ack_off; /* Replication ack offset, if this is a slave. */ long long repl_aof_off; /* Replication AOF fsync ack offset, if this is a slave. */ long long repl_ack_time;/* Replication ack time, if this is a slave. */ long long repl_last_partial_write; /* The last time the server did a partial write from the RDB child pipe to this replica */ long long psync_initial_offset; /* FULLRESYNC reply offset other slaves copying this slave output buffer should use. */ char replid[CONFIG_RUN_ID_SIZE+1]; /* Master replication ID (if master). */ int slave_listening_port; /* As configured with: REPLCONF listening-port */ char *slave_addr; /* Optionally given by REPLCONF ip-address */ int slave_capa; /* Slave capabilities: SLAVE_CAPA_* bitwise OR. */ int slave_req; /* Slave requirements: SLAVE_REQ_* */ multiState mstate; /* MULTI/EXEC state */ blockingState bstate; /* blocking state */ long long woff; /* Last write global replication offset. */ list *watched_keys; /* Keys WATCHED for MULTI/EXEC CAS */ dict *pubsub_channels; /* channels a client is interested in (SUBSCRIBE) */ dict *pubsub_patterns; /* patterns a client is interested in (PSUBSCRIBE) */ dict *pubsubshard_channels; /* shard level channels a client is interested in (SSUBSCRIBE) */ sds peerid; /* Cached peer ID. */ sds sockname; /* Cached connection target address. */ listNode *client_list_node; /* list node in client list */ listNode *postponed_list_node; /* list node within the postponed list */ listNode *pending_read_list_node; /* list node in clients pending read list */ void *module_blocked_client; /* Pointer to the RedisModuleBlockedClient associated with this * client. This is set in case of module authentication before the * unblocked client is reprocessed to handle reply callbacks. */ void *module_auth_ctx; /* Ongoing / attempted module based auth callback's ctx. * This is only tracked within the context of the command attempting * authentication. If not NULL, it means module auth is in progress. */ RedisModuleUserChangedFunc auth_callback; /* Module callback to execute * when the authenticated user * changes. */ void *auth_callback_privdata; /* Private data that is passed when the auth * changed callback is executed. Opaque for * Redis Core. */ void *auth_module; /* The module that owns the callback, which is used * to disconnect the client if the module is * unloaded for cleanup. Opaque for Redis Core.*/
/* If this client is in tracking mode and this field is non zero, * invalidation messages for keys fetched by this client will be sent to * the specified client ID. */ uint64_t client_tracking_redirection; rax *client_tracking_prefixes; /* A dictionary of prefixes we are already subscribed to in BCAST mode, in the context of client side caching. */ /* In updateClientMemoryUsage() we track the memory usage of * each client and add it to the sum of all the clients of a given type, * however we need to remember what was the old contribution of each * client, and in which category the client was, in order to remove it * before adding it the new value. */ size_t last_memory_usage; int last_memory_type;
listNode *mem_usage_bucket_node; clientMemUsageBucket *mem_usage_bucket;
listNode *ref_repl_buf_node; /* Referenced node of replication buffer blocks, * see the definition of replBufBlock. */ size_t ref_block_pos; /* Access position of referenced buffer block, * i.e. the next offset to send. */
/* list node in clients_pending_write list */ listNode clients_pending_write_node; /* Response buffer */ size_t buf_peak; /* Peak used size of buffer in last 5 sec interval. */ mstime_t buf_peak_last_reset_time; /* keeps the last time the buffer peak value was reset */ int bufpos; size_t buf_usable_size; /* Usable size of buffer. */ char *buf;#ifdef LOG_REQ_RES clientReqResInfo reqres;#endif} client;
명령어 구현에 사용하는 client 구조체의 argv
는 다음과 같다.
typedef struct client { // ... robj **argv; /* Arguments of current command. */ // ...}
은 echo, argv[1]
는 echo
명령어 뒤에 따라오는 인자를 의미한다.
typedef struct redisObject robj;
struct redisObject { unsigned type:4; unsigned encoding:4; unsigned lru:LRU_BITS; /* LRU time (relative to global lru_clock) or * LFU data (least significant 8 bits frequency * and most significant 16 bits access time). */ int refcount; void *ptr;};
명령어 인자의 원본 문자열은 robj
의 ptr
에 저장되어 있을 것이다.
그렇다면, 출력되는 문자열을 변형하고 싶을 땐 argv[1]->ptr
을 조작하면 된다!
문자열 조작하기
typedef char *sds;
는 char *
를 다른 이름으로 정의한 데이터 형식
/* Create an empty (zero length) sds string. Even in this case the string * always has an implicit null term. */sds sdsempty(void) { return sdsnewlen("",0);}
길이가 0인 문자열을 생성하는 함수
sds sdscatfmt(sds s, char const *fmt, ...);
sdscatfmt 함수 구현부
/* This function is similar to sdscatprintf, but much faster as it does * not rely on sprintf() family functions implemented by the libc that * are often very slow. Moreover directly handling the sds string as * new data is concatenated provides a performance improvement. * * However this function only handles an incompatible subset of printf-alike * format specifiers: * * %s - C String * %S - SDS string * %i - signed int * %I - 64 bit signed integer (long long, int64_t) * %u - unsigned int * %U - 64 bit unsigned integer (unsigned long long, uint64_t) * %% - Verbatim "%" character. */sds sdscatfmt(sds s, char const *fmt, ...) { size_t initlen = sdslen(s); const char *f = fmt; long i; va_list ap;
/* To avoid continuous reallocations, let's start with a buffer that * can hold at least two times the format string itself. It's not the * best heuristic but seems to work in practice. */ s = sdsMakeRoomFor(s, strlen(fmt)*2); va_start(ap,fmt); f = fmt; /* Next format specifier byte to process. */ i = initlen; /* Position of the next byte to write to dest str. */ while(*f) { char next, *str; size_t l; long long num; unsigned long long unum;
/* Make sure there is always space for at least 1 char. */ if (sdsavail(s)==0) { s = sdsMakeRoomFor(s,1); }
switch(*f) { case '%': next = *(f+1); if (next == '\0') break; f++; switch(next) { case 's': case 'S': str = va_arg(ap,char*); l = (next == 's') ? strlen(str) : sdslen(str); if (sdsavail(s) < l) { s = sdsMakeRoomFor(s,l); } memcpy(s+i,str,l); sdsinclen(s,l); i += l; break; case 'i': case 'I': if (next == 'i') num = va_arg(ap,int); else num = va_arg(ap,long long); { char buf[LONG_STR_SIZE]; l = ll2string(buf,sizeof(buf),num); if (sdsavail(s) < l) { s = sdsMakeRoomFor(s,l); } memcpy(s+i,buf,l); sdsinclen(s,l); i += l; } break; case 'u': case 'U': if (next == 'u') unum = va_arg(ap,unsigned int); else unum = va_arg(ap,unsigned long long); { char buf[LONG_STR_SIZE]; l = ull2string(buf,sizeof(buf),unum); if (sdsavail(s) < l) { s = sdsMakeRoomFor(s,l); } memcpy(s+i,buf,l); sdsinclen(s,l); i += l; } break; default: /* Handle %% and generally %<unknown>. */ s[i++] = next; sdsinclen(s,1); break; } break; default: s[i++] = *f; sdsinclen(s,1); break; } f++; } va_end(ap);
/* Add null-term */ s[i] = '\0'; return s;}
형식 지정자를 지원하는 문자열 조작(연결) 함수
sdscatfmt 함수 사용 예제

c->argv[1]->ptr = sdscatfmt(sdsempty(), "echoJiwon_%S", c->argv[1]->ptr);
함수와 sdsempty
함수를 활용하여 c->argv[1]->ptr
에 저장된 문자열을 조작할 수 있다

Redis 빌드 및 실행
Redis 빌드
Redis 실행
cd src./redis-server
다른 터미널에서 Redis command line interface 실행 및 명령어 입력
cd src./redis-cli
> echo abc> echoJiwon abc